Cash Process Automation

Brink’s VeriBalance™

The only single-source, end-to-end solution for all of your cash operations.

Brink’s VeriBalance™ Overview

Complete visibility between the register, the bank and the store.

We are the only partner you need—one point of contact to help you identify the right solution (a mix of software, hardware, processes and logistics) and an overarching customer success team to support that entire ecosystem. Let us handle all your cash headaches, and refocus your employees on selling products and delighting customers.

Asset Publisher

Cash Analytics

With Cash Analytics, we provide the tools to optimize cash levels at the store and automate the processes to ensure those amounts (and not more) are on hand when needed.

Optimized Cash Logistics

With Optimized Cash Logistics, you can make better decisions about CIT services using helpful recommendations, automated change orders, and streamlined cash processes.

Accelerated Cash Access

With Accelerated Cash Access, provisional credit gives you next day access to those funds before the cash is actually in the bank.

Reporting & Alerts

With Reporting and Alerts, you have proactive notice when compliance is in question or performance is lagging.

One-Source Support

When employees are spending more time on cash reconciliation and wrestling with operational issues than they are catering to customers, it’s a costly pattern and a productivity killer. Our 24/7 support team provides support for all of your cash ecosystem issues which frees-up your employees to focus on customers.

Device Management

Operating POS systems, counting devices, safes, self-checkouts and recyclers independently is a big job that can lead to errors, loss, risk and unnecessary labor cost. Integrating devices and systems seamlessly eliminates daily headaches associated with manual device management, and the downstream issues created by avoidable problems and mistakes.

Brink's Direct Credit

Guarantees funds in your bank next business day for seamless integration of your cash operations.